
Best Tech Companies World’s In 2023

 Best Tech Companies World’s  In 2023

Altimore is a city focused on what matters most – something that can’t be overstated more than in the area of ??urban technology. 

With companies interested in designing and pushing the boundaries of modern technology, Baltimore technology companies are working hard to solve big problems, from the workplace to the hospital and beyond. Software companies and hardware manufacturers are already living in the city, allowing everything from industrial finance to micro-laser machines removed from downtown Baltimore.

Best Tech Companies World's  In 2023
Best Tech Companies World’s  In 2023

Encouraged by dedicated staff and dedicated to making great ideas possible, these are the 18 Baltimore technology companies you should know about right now.

What they do: Paradox turned into a recruitment process with a sponsor and helper named Olivia. Instead of taking the time to review the startup, employers can allow Olivia’s attendees, keep in touch, and schedule meetings. In this way, HR team members can deliver a competitive candidate experience quickly with the help of Paradox technology.

What they do: It is also not intended to reach an audience through a single channel, so Amobee provides advertisers and advertisers with tools to do well in multi-channel communication. With the Amobee platform, one can launch customized campaigns as well as manage different portfolios. Amobee also uses a data-driven approach, allowing businesses to gather audience insights and predict multiple changes. What they do: Nurses carry heavy responsibilities as foot soldiers of the medical industry, so connectRN makes sure they have a large support network. With mobile apps, nurses and caregivers can transform ideas and stories into online communities. The RN connection microphone also provides convenient flexibility as well as quick payment, delivering the care and attention of nurses and caregivers who deserve it.

What they do: Catalyte helps to inspire technology professionals by connecting promising engineers and exhibitors to industry with new objectives. A pipeline for high-capacity education, employee training, as well as required engineering equipment, Catalyte provides locations in six US cities to support technology growth in a wide range of businesses and industries. What they do: Whitebox provides a high-quality platform for developers and innovators to increase sales and reduce costs by promoting their e-commerce business and its implementation process and powerful technology. The platform provides retail space, inventory, warehousing, implementation, and return management tools, as well as research and analysis capabilities included for insights and shopping processes.

What they do: ZeroFOX is a digital threat storage system that uses advanced intelligence and threat intelligence to protect data across facilities. The platform includes Takedown-as-a-Service which is perfect for instant messaging and integrates with several APIs to provide end-to-end visibility.


What They Do: Zentech Construction is a leading innovation company based on translating their greatest ideas into reality. The company is well versed in various types of engineering, construction, project testing, testing and certification work, working with companies across the industry to develop circuits, embedded software and problem solving algorithms coming out.

What they do: Cyberpoint is a company leader that helps members store their most important information, such as financial records, intellectual property, corporate communications and more. Various products are available from Cyberpoint to meet specific security needs and provide customers with complete security capabilities, as well as other services available for in-depth threat analysis, high performance computers, strategic planning and machine inspections.

 What they do: Allovue enables the entire school district to perform more efficiently than ever before, using intelligent K-12 software for budget planning and local budget complaints. The company’s flagship product, Balance, provides tools and integrations to allocate funds, set budgets and manage expenses instantly, while ACES, another Allovue platform, has all the features needed to simplify ESSA’s financial reporting process.

What they do: Terbium Labs is an end-to-end digital threat reduction platform that works in single before, during, and after attacks to reduce damage and restore their business to better health. The company provides solutions to deal with data crime, cybersquatting, phishing attacks, dark web fraud, taking over accounts and locations from its Matchlight product, as well as monitoring and monitoring systems available to manage security across the home the work.

 What they do: MachineSense develops technologies that bring high power and efficiency to different companies. Using state-of-the-art features, state-of-the-art testing equipment, state-of-the-art software and analytics technology, MachineSense manufactures state-of-the-art equipment that includes handheld FeverWarn scanners, vibrating signature technology, power level monitoring, electrical signal technology and 24/7 inspection of the equipment. I signed the vibration.

 What they do: Key Tech works within the medtech industry to deliver to healthcare professionals, working in markets such as in vitro research, drug delivery, pharmaceutical systems and many other cases . In addition to medical technology, Key Tech also develops solutions for industrial enterprises, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer engineering, as well as services including rapid production, new product development, subsystem systems and technology research.

 What They Do: Potomac Laser is a industry leader in providing customers with the advanced manufacturing and manufacturing capabilities recognized by commercial and government companies for their new offerings in areas such as medical technology, biotechnology and electronics manufacturing. The company specializes in small-lens printing, micro-machining laser, laser cutting, micro-welding laser, micro-3D printing, hot stamping, gluing and assembly, producing high-performance devices in a wide range of applications. any.

What they do: Noxilizer develops low-nitrogen dioxide sterilization and decontamination technology to meet the challenges of traditional systems, creating a sterilant concentration under NO2 atmospheric energy. Nitrogen dioxide sterilization produces a favorable environment to maintain energy efficiency, prevent hatching, reduce cycle time and reduce manufacturing costs, and Noxilizer provides testing, advice, delivery and maintenance for the general public.

 What they do: 410 Labs is a solid product company that manufactures applications and software that improve digital systems. The company offers two main products: Chuck, a free iPhone app that allows accessing hundreds of messages simultaneously with Mailstrom, a system for configuring and maintaining an inbox cleaning system.

Centerfield, an El Segundo-based adtech startup, develops smart digital media technology that enables entrepreneurs to chase and reach high-performance customers. In January, the company raised $ 156 million in revenue in addition to acquiring a trading company based on Qology Direct.

 FloQast-based Sherman Oaks develops cloud-based software to help accountants and accounting departments manage workflows, assign tasks, and take time-consuming work. Earlier this year, the company closed $ 25 million Series B to support global expansion.

 A few months after raising $ 16.3 million in funding, MomentFeed’s mobile customer experience management company made a second LABJ list. Founded seven years ago, the company continues to grow rapidly and seeks to add high-tech technology.

Velocify software developer has customer bases for more than 1,500 companies across multiple companies. This traction helped El Segundo companies to earn a place among the Built Over 100 digital companies in Los Angeles last year

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